Sunday, August 18, 2024

Starting Over - Kind of

 Fast Llamas,

It's been close to a year since I published.  I suppose me writing is changing that status.  After years of instructional coaching and a couple more behavior management coaching I find myself back in the classroom.  A 7th grade science classroom to be real.  

My goals this year for this blog is to take you on the journey, from the first week to the last and what I put into play in terms of academic and behavioral strategies.  This is exciting stuff and I feel like an undercover agent, ready to spill the beans of what happens in a middle school classroom on the daily.

Leaving to go finish setting up my room - yes, on a Sunday because when you run a classroom, the work you put in the "before" pays off later.  This time will be worth it.  

See you soon,

Good Luck on your first day - it's gonna be great! 

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