Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 3 Reflections

Fast Llamas,

It's week 3 and it's got me thinking. What do I need to practice more of and what is left to teach in terms of routines?

1.  Coming into class - Students are not adhering to voice level 0 and unpacking is taking forever.  I am going to have students stand and wait in a line to enter - one at a time and practice entering with reminders of expectations.  First period is different since they arrive up to 20 minutes before the bell to eat. I am rethinking the voice level  though - it's a tough way to start class and frankly I think students need the time to talk.  Maybe, I need to adjust.

2. Opening Tradition - I started my Opening Tradition with all but 5th period.  It is going surprisingly well.  Why surprisingly?  I was unsure if post-pandemic kids would not like it, but I am glad that I am wrong.  Students stand up and clap along to one minute of "It's a Beautiful Life".  Some are asking if we are going to do it.  They NEED to stand and move. 

3.  Pack-up - we are down to 2 minutes to pack up - again, voice level 0 is a challenge.  Even though they are reminded, students are struggling to remain silent.  This I am holding onto though, we have to end class calmly.  I want to teach 7's, perhaps that routine will help.  Here's a quick video of 7's...  In Amarillo, we did 7's right before we did the exit ticket.  Then I would read each answer as I picked up journals.  Impossible here, since we only have a 4 minute passing period.  So far, we haven't done the exit ticket and sometimes we are sitting waiting for the bell for too long.

Here's my plan:
1.  Timer goes off at 6 minutes - shut down
2. Pile journals into stacks - we need to practice this
3. 7's - to signal a change in state from class to pack up - we need a shift
4. Exit ticket on laptops - I pick up journals
5. Pack up, by tables  - if they are done
6. Wait for bell - 30 seconds

Goals for this week:
1. teach 7's
2. practice entry and packup
3. teach opening tradition to 5th period
4. continue to use praise and preventing prompting
5, add Tiger tokens along with praise

Thanks for letting me work through this reflection.  The work continues into week 4.