Sunday, April 10, 2022

Character Ed - The Planning Stages

Hey Fast Llamas,

I originally wrote this blog in September of 2020 and today I am resharing for a couple of reasons.
1. Update, Update, Update - I now work at the high school level with the principal I mentioned in the previously published post.  I spent 31 years at the middle school level and now work with high school students.  Kids are the same however, they still love to laugh, they love stickers and games... they just pay more attention to their clothes and hair... To say that I have been stretched this year is an understatement, I have however, also been sharpened.  Learning never gets old to me.
2. I wanted to celebrate that my principal earned her PhD this past week.  What an amazing accomplishment that began three years ago.  Everyone is so proud of her. I am glad she took another chance on me and hired me to come up to the high school level to continue to work together.  
3.  Lastly, as we begin to talk about next year... let's plan for the integration of character education into our academics.  My school district is rolling out a plan and I hope they consider the 8 keys of Excellence as their guide post.  I have discussed it further in my blog today.

Here is the post from September of 2020...
This blog is dedicated my former principal (well in a week, I suppose) who is moving up to the high school level. It is a dream and a goal of hers to lead a high school, and as much as I am going to miss her, you always show up in life as your best self when you root for others success. But, this week's blog is dedicated to her not because she is leaving, but her legacy that is staying behind. You see, my principal told me "yes" to the ideas I had about school culture and student learning. Imagine walking into your principal's office and asking to "train llamas" and hearing "yes"? She believed in me and that made all of the difference.

This week at school, we are teaching all of the grade levels the 8 Keys of Excellence and the power of Living Above the Line. Teaching students how to be good humans is a core value of mine. We teachers teach more than our content and as Doug Curry (training llama guru) would say, "you GET to teach kids the ways of success". This is an opportunity to shine a light in a kids life and show them the path to success. Character impacts achievement, so we do well when we teach it and affirm our relationships with students that we are "rooting for their success" in our classes and in life. This helps build and strengthen feelings of connectedness to school. This is deep and heavy stuff. So, you can see why I appreciated my principal giving me the okay to do it. Tomorrow starts this years journey to excellence and I am so excited.

Hattie talks about Effect Size, the skills that translate to the highest effects are relational... Building positive relationships with students has a direct link to improving good character and preventing bad behavior. And when students feel safe, supported and have feelings of belonging, their learning increases. This is a win for character and a win for student learning. Modeling these principles and exhibiting them on the daily, not only builds relationships but changes lives too. How many of you can say you had or have someone in your life who believed in you, trusted you, or motivated you? Game changers, my friends.

Remember an effect size of .4 will give you one years growth for one years imput... which is great, but, what could you do to add some steam to to your classrooms, with the relationships and attitudes of and with your students? Here are some great examples...

1. Belief 1.62 (in each other and our students)

2. Trust .9 (trust in doing the right thing and bringing your best)

3. Clarity .75 (clear is kind)

4. Motivation .69 (increasing that engagement)

5. Creativity .62 (increasing that engagement)

6. Not labeling .61 (ahh, the power of intention, I see you as a 10!)

7. Setting Goals .59 (intention again)

8. Practice .57 (setting students up for success, through practice)

9. Innovation .55 (increasing engagement)

10. Perception .52 (intention again)

11. Intentionality .50 (being intentional in how we see and perceive each other and our students and being purposely in all we do)

12. Expectations .49 (you know students are capable and it shows)

So, for the next 8 months, following this weeks initial training, we will focus on one Key of Excellence, working into our lessons and conversations with students. What a gift this is for students and ultimately ourselves.

Here's our Schedule:

October - Integrity

November - Failure Leads to Success

December - Speak with Good Purpose

January - This is It

February - Commitment

March - Ownership

April - Flexibility

May - Balance

How can you integrate this into your daily routine?  I am not a fan of separating SEL or Character Ed out of content lessons.  I feel it is best when the two go hand in hand.

until next time...