Sunday, March 28, 2021

Let's Have Fun: Part 3


We are back for Doug Curry's Part 3 of making class fun!  Today, we talk about whole class rewards.  Here's Doug from his free resources website... 

Free Resources

Whole Class Rewards 

Rewarding your whole class can be effective if done properly. However, here are some guidelines: 

 • While it is effective to reward the whole class, do not make the mistake of punishing the whole class due to the actions of a few. 

• Carefully plan ahead as to what rewards you will use. A common method that teachers use to keep track of the whole classroom’s behavior is the old marble jar. Every time the class as a whole does something great, such as coming to attention, mastering a skill, etc., then you drop a marble in the jar. When the jar is full, it’s time for the class reward! 

A simpler way is to give marks on a white board. Set a target ahead of time such as 50. Give marks for whole class successes. 

Watch a very fast llama using this type of class reward: Watch

What do you do when they reach the goal? This is where you need to be sure that you have planned well ahead of time. Call this something special. 

Here are some ideas: 

• Class Special Activity Time 

• Class Reward 

• Fun Time What do you do during this time? Well, that is up to you. Let the class vote on what they wish to do. However, have them choose from a list that you have prepared. This does not need to be just a free time. It is more effective and more likely to be successful if you are in control of the options and if it is a planned activity. Therefore, have a few items ready from which the class as a whole can choose. 


• Mr. Curry Bingo (I’ll explain) 

Mr. Curry Bingo (Insert your own name) 

Every Friday (or every other Friday, or however you see fit), we play Bingo for 20 minutes using our Math facts, vocabulary words, or any thing we are learning. 

Who plays Bingo? Only the students who met your standard for the week, whatever that is. 

 There are plenty of great sites that allow you to make instant Bingo sheets. Bingo Sheets 

What makes this Bingo so special? Students are on teams. If a student gets a Bingo, write that student’s name down. That student gets 2 pieces of gum/candy, but everyone else on the student’s team gets a piece just because they are on that student’s team. Play for 20 minutes. Who got the most Bingos? Have a playoff if you need to do so. The winner gets the grand prize. What do you do with the kids who don’t get to play? They sit and watch. Make better choices next time. 

• Game Time-Have a tournament involving playing a special game on their phones. 

• Take a walk outside. 

Use your imagination to come up ahead of time with ideas. 

Ask for their input as well. The point is to limit their choices so that this is still under control. Also, just because the students reached the goal does not mean that you have to give the reward right then. Pick a time that is convenient for you and schedule it.

What's cool about this idea of whole class rewards, is everyone is working toward a goal. Remember, NEVER take away a reward for just one kid ruining it for everyone.  I was never a fan play date Mom's who would take a toy away if there was fighting over it, saying, "if you can't share, no one gets it".  Ugh!  Always make sure kids can earn rewards back!  

Here's to thinking about making class a little more fun and energetic!  

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