Monday, September 7, 2020

Don't Stop Until You are Proud

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 Fast Llama's,

I have started this blog about 37 times with phrases like, "I can't believe..." and "here we go..." but that all seems so cliche.  We know where we have been (spring distance learning) and we kind of know where we are going... the second part of that sentence is what we need to focus on.  How can we move forward and continue to do as Brene Brown says do "work that makes us proud". 

If you remember from last year, I love Doug Lemov and his "Teach Like a Champion" book and website.  Lemov focuses a lot on student "agency".  And, it is fantastic.  Agency, is when you give students control over their own learning.   Agency, has a big effect size and it creates environments where the students do the cognitive heavy lifting.  So, I don't know a teacher who doesn't want their students to work harder with bigger gains... So, last night, when I stumbled upon a blog describing developing agency in a virtual world, I was intrigued.  I don't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that it was 1:43 am when I sent myself the email with the blog link, but, I do feel it is a game changer in terms of how we can use "Everything is on Purpose" deliberately.

There has been a lot of talk about the hybrid model we have adopted, but, when you step back and think about it, it is the best of both worlds.  We can make connections with kids, understanding their needs AND we have the ability to continue instruction, even when technology fails.  OR, (and this will happen) students are completing lessons later in the day... Here are three video examples of the mini lesson, notice the narrations and directives to stop and pause, go back and listen again.  This develops agency.  When, our synchronous virtual kids leave the lesson to work on their own, they will need to GO BACK, and watch the video again... they won't have what F2F kids have... YOU!  You can purposely use language that builds confidence and agency.

Video Links... (right click and copy, paste into the browser)

I love how the teacher is changing mindsets, students have control and ownership of their learning, and they can go back and rewatch the mini-lesson videos as needed, when they are apart from class.  They can, "watch it in a way that supports their learning". (Lemov)

I always want to see the good that comes out of education and the work we do with kids, I do believe, that we can make the best out of this situation and build autonomous learners.  


Agency Over Video: The Key to Asynchronous Instruction. (2020, August 24). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from

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